Monday 8 December 2008

GDO 2008 report

My report on the event , with some pictures posted ^^


Thanks for participating in this year's Girls Day Out. See you again next year

Wednesday 26 November 2008


As my visit to the sporthall yesterday, i find that the map below cannot be used, becuase the road to Lutherplatz is closed due to the construction of the new school building for the Adam-Kraft-Realschule.

So here is the new map that you can use as guidance.

Both pin on the map is the U-Bahn exit , and i suggest you guys take the U-bahn than the tram due to the factor that i've stated above. With the Tram it is more time consuming.

From the U-Bahn Station Maffeiplatz : take the exit to Zwinglistr. & Simenstr. And when you accend one level form the train, take the exit Lutherplatz & Pillenreutherstr. Above you will find yourself at Zwinglisstr. and just take a left turn to Lutherplatz and you will find the school

Below is the picture of school building. (take note: the hall is not inside this buiding, it is the building behind it)

The darkbrown Sportsbuilding is just behind the School building and also have Shower and Changing Room service. During Lunch and Solat break, you will need to bring your own sejadah and telekung for zohor and asar prayer.

For More Info about the Venue ;

Do not hesitate to ask us when you have any questions.
We will be glad to answer you

Monday 24 November 2008

how 2 get there?~

hehe..soooo sorry for the very2 late info about how 2 get to the venue..well, here we go~

venue : Adam Kraft Realshule,
Lutherplatz 4 ,
90459 Nürnberg

time : 8.30 a.m. - registration
9.00 a.m. - the game starts
4.00 p.m. - end

ok, there are 2 ways to go to the venue from Nürnberg Hbf

1. by U-Bahn : U-Bahn U1 Richtung Nürnberg Langwasser Süd (9 mins von Hbf)

2. by tram : Straßenbahn 9 Richtung Nürnberg Doku-Zentrum (13mis von Hbf)

** further info of Nürnberg Verbindung, please visit

for those who need phone number of us, please send the enquiry to our email :

so, c ya all there!~ and another thing, please333 be punctual.. ok? ;)


A total of 6 teams have registered~ so we are going to divide these six team into two groups~

Group 1
Team A
Team B
Team C

Group 2
Team D
Team E
Team F

The grouping will be done in the morning of GDO. Team captain akan buat cabutan on that morning untuk menentukan which team goes to which group.

Duration of game : 7 minutes for first half // 2 minutes half time // 7 minutes second half
Duration of final game : 10 minutes for first half // 3 minutes half time // 10 minutes second half

Sunday 23 November 2008

GDO traditional games rules

Galah Panjang

#Jenis perlawanan : Kalah - Mati ; giliran permainan akan diundi pada hari perlawanan#

Cara permainan galah panjang tidaklah sesukar mana tapi ia dapat menguji kepintaran, kecekapan dan kepantansan setiap pemain.

1. Gelanggang galah panjang di lakar diatas tanah yang lapang. Panjang dan lebar bergantung kepada pelukis garisan dan bilangan pemain. Selalunya satu petak galah panjang berukuran lebih kurang 2 meter x 1.5 meter.

2. Selepas pemilihan dilakukan, setiap kumpulan akan melakukan pemilihan ketua. Ketua dari kedua-dua kumpulan akan mengundi siapa yang menjaga gelanggan dan siapa yang menempuh gelanggang.

3. Selepas penentuan, kumpulan yang menjagaa gelanggang akan menjaga gelanggang dengan berpijak diatas garisan yang dilukis tadi. Ketua akan menjaga garisan tengah dan bebas pergi kemana-mana garisan depan atau belakang.

4. Kumpulan menempuh gelanggang akan berkumpul di depan, seterusnya ketua akan menyapakan tanganya dengan ketua pihak lawan. Seterusnya pasukan lawan akan belari masuk ke dalam gelanggang .

5. Penjaga akan mejaga kawasannya agar pihak penempuh tidak melepasi garisan yang dijaganya.

6. Penempuh akan menempuh sampai melepasi garisan paling akhir tanpa disentuh oleh penjaga gelanggang dan kemudiannya berpatah balik.

7. Kemenangan tercapai apabila orang yang telah melepasi garisan paling akhir melepasi garisan permulaan.

Jika penjaga gelanggang dapat menyentuh anak buah, maka anak buah akan mati atau tamat gilirannya bermain dan dikehendaki keluar gelanggang.

Jika penjaga gelanggang menyentuh ketua, maka seluruh ahli penempuh akan tamat giliran dan akan bertukar giliran antara penjaga dan penempuh.

untuk maklumat lebih lanjut sila lawati :


#Jenis perlawanan : Liga & Kalah - Mati (Semi Final & Final) ; giliran permainan dan kumpulan akan diundi pada hari perlawanan#

Satu pusingan mempunyai 7 peringkat iaitu tanah,lutut,paha,pinggang,ketiak,telinga dan kepala. Ukuran peringkat (dalam liga dan semi final) berdasarkan ketinggian pemain. Namun ukuran peringkat (final atau seri) berdasarkan ketinggian *Zirwatul Isyqi Mat Noor (atau girl yg paling tinggi di GDO) .

Setiap pemain hanya mempunyai satu peluang sahaja untuk satu peringkat.

Jika seorang pemain itu berjaya melepasi satu peringkat, dia akan mendapat 3 mata.

Sekiranya tidak, tiada mata diberikan. Namun pemain itu diberi peluang untuk melompat di peringkat seterusnya sehingga selesai ke tujuh-tujuh peringkat. Tetapi, sekiranya pemain itu yakin bahawa dia tidak mampu meneruskan pemainan, maka dia boleh menarik diri. Ahli lain dalam pasukan tidak dibenarkan menggantikan tempat pemain yg menarik diri.

Jika keputusan adalah seri, kedua-dua kumpulan akan berlawan di pusingan yg kedua dengan menggunakan ukuran ketinggian *girl yg paling tinggi di GDO. Jika masih berlaku seri, keputusan akan diadili dengan duit syiling.

Kumpulan yang mengumpul paling banyak mata akan dikira sebagai pemenang. TAHNIAH!!!

Batu Seremban

#Jenis perlawanan : Kalah - Mati (Grouping 2 - 3); giliran permainan dan kumpulan akan diundi pada hari perlawanan#

Syarat-syarat Penyertaan.

1. Peserta dikehendaki membawa batu sendiri.

2. Boleh bawa batu sebenar, atau yg dibuat sendiri ( cth: kacang hijau dijahit dgn kain)

3. Jenis batu seremban yang akan dimainkan adalah batu 7.

Syarat-syarat Permainan.

1. Pemenang akan ditentukan berdasarkan siapa berjaya yang menyudahkan pungutan mata terlebih dahulu.

2. Bilangan mata untuk menang = 300 mata (apabila dicampur kedua-dua ahli dalam kumpulan tersebut). Mana-mana kumpulan yang berjaya mengumpul 300 mata terlebih dahulu akan dikira sebagai pemenang.

3. Terdapat 3 peringkat untuk mencapai mata penamat.

Peringkat 1 = 0 - 100 mata

Peringkat 2 = 101 - 200 mata

Peringkat 3 = 201 - 300 mata

Peringkat 1

-Peserta dibenarkan bermain secara bebas. Tetapi tidak boleh mengakhiri "sapuan" dgn hanya sebiji batu.

Peringkat 2

-Peserta dikehendaki bermain secara 2-2-2

Peringkat 3

-Peserta dikehendaki bermain secara 3-3

4. Untuk mata ke 91-100, 191-200 dan 291-300, semasa menimbang, peserta tidak dibenarkan "mencangkup"/"menangkap" batu. Tetapi perlu menimbangnye dgn cara memusingkan belakang tapak tangan dan menadah batu2 tersebut. Sewaktu menimbang, tidak dibenarkan membuang atau menggoyangkan batu jika mata sudah melebihi 100 atau 200 atau 300. Kene pandai bajet la kirenye.

5. Sepanjang permainan, peserta tidak boleh terkena batu2 semasa "menyapu" batu. Jika terkena, dikira “mati”. Kena tukar peserta lain pula.

Sebarang perubahan kepada syarat-syarat di atas akan dipantau dari semasa ke semasa.

Sila lawat blog ini selalu yek. ^^

Turutan pemain akan ditentukan semasa hari perlawanan kelak.

Oleh itu, berlatih lah dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

Wednesday 19 November 2008


hello 2 all!!~~ [edited on 24th nov]

1st of all we would like 2 thank you for your support!~ thanx for registering for GDO 2008!~

hereby i've attached the list of participants, teams, spectators and accomodation for friday night.

please take a look at it n recheck. if there's anything wrong with it, please let us know.. anything, even when we misspell your name or such. and for those team who dun hav enuf players, no team name n captain, if you hav found one, please contact n update us.. ^^

if there's any enquiry about GDO 2008, we're here 2 help.. feel free to email or contact any of our team members ^^

REMINDER : those who wanted 2 come as spectators, please note that you hav to register your name to us..

and 2 those who will be staying in nürnberg on friday night, please bring along your sleeping bag..

Saturday 15 November 2008


hye girls!~~ as you know, the registration for GDO's games n spectators is already closed.. for those who had registered, thanx sooo much for your support!!~~

pls check the blog from time to time for updates on game tables etc..

if you still hav enquiry about GDO, you can always email us at :

~ GDO Nürnberg 2008 Team ~

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Team registration

In case you didnt have enough member yet until the closing date, you can still register for the games. We just need to know how many teams are participating , so we can manage the schedule.

So dont make this a burden to you.. LET JUST ENJOY THINGS THROUGH okay?

spread the news to everyone okay? and do come and join us ^^

Wednesday 5 November 2008

New Closing Date for Registration & Spectators

To enhance the participation for GDO 08, we are carrying forward the closing date for all category registration.

New closing date :

15 Nov 2008 ( 11 pm)

For all the spectators, you will also need to submit your name before 15th , so it will be easier on our side to roughly estimate the number of participants for this year's GDO.

The closing date for accomodation application remain unchanged as the post below.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated ^^

Do email us if you have any problems and enquiries


Thursday 30 October 2008


Some are asking us about the accommodation~ If you do need accommodation,please email us at


please do tell us how many nights do you wish to stay and for how many ppl~ :)

Wednesday 29 October 2008


So as the result of the poll shown,we are going to have futsal and traditional games on the day~

For Futsal :

Diperlukan 5-7 orang dalam satu group~ 5 players, and maximum 2 subtitutes players


For Traditional games :

We are going to play :

1. Batu seremban(7 batu)

  • game ini akn dimainkan in a group of 2 ppl~
2. Main Getah

  • this game requires a group of 3 ppl~
both batu seremban and getah will be held simultaniously, so those who are participating in batu seremban CANNOT join main getah and vice versa~

3. galah panjang

  • main event for the second part

  • 5 ppl per group

To register :

The team captain needs to send this in the form of

1 : Name of team captain :
2: Name of team members :
3 : Name of team :

and send it to :

the fees is 2€ per person regardless how many games you are participating~ spectators do not need to pay the fees~ just the participants~


Tuesday 21 October 2008

Girls Day Out Nürnberg 29 November 2008

This year's Girls Day Out will be held at Nürnberg on 29th November 2008.
After discussion with the commitee members, we came up with several ideas and we anticipate everyone to choose the idea which suit themself the best.
Please vote for the activities that are going to be held at the day~~ ^^


Please do bear in mind that your choice will determine what is going to be held on the day itself~ so please choose wisely and choose before
27th October 2008.

After the poll is closed,the registration for the games will be opened on the next day. Terima kasih di atas kerjasama anda ^^ ianya amat dihargai